May seem very obvious, and it's something I do on occasion, but seeing the words in writing several times on the list of new students struck me.
One of my checklist items this week is always to update the syllabus for each class I teach. In it, I describe the homework expectations, format and my grading policy. That's when the light bulb ignited! Each year, seems I have a number of students who continue to negotiate what their homework should look like, and what level of completion is satisfactory. Why, in the past, haven't I provided an example of what I expect? So, this year I am, which is a good start on showing what completion looks like for the students for whom it is specified and for all of them. My homework will be up on our Plus Portal system and assigned as the second day's homework. Students will need to log onto Plus Portal, download the assignment, find the homework in the book, and finish the assigned problem in the correct format.

What do you think?