I was thinking of a number that the students could really dig into to with their factoring tools. Why not 504? It has promise.. So, we started making a factor rainbow to find all the factor pairs of 504. We all started off leaving plenty of room, anticipating quite a few factors. We enjoyed the rainbow, watching it fill, enjoyed all the opportunities to divide. Then, the rainbow was full! We weren't finished! What to do!?!

One of the students dropped a vertical line down through the rainbow and we continued, a "rainbow annex" of sorts. There couldn't be that many more factors; we were closing in on the half way mark... so we made the "annex" optimistically a bit narrower. (oops.)

Of course not. However, 12 and 42 were getting pretty close to one another in factoring terms, so we dropped another vertical, made "Annex le Deux", (that's Annex 2 to the language challenged among you). More factoring, more dividing. We were in uncharted territory here.. our divisibility rules had been left in the dust, all used up. We were flying without a net, a drift in a sea of possible factors... we. were. terrified. and intrepid.
They found fourteen, and eighteen and their factor partners. We filled Annex le Deux. But then... using some exceptional logic, one student opined, "Hey, 3 and 7 are factors. Doesn't that work like 6 with 2 and 3? Is 21 a factor?" They tried it, and there it was.. we needed Annex le Troisieme (You guessed it, Annex 3).
We finished. It was long, it was exhausting, it was beautiful. It was... a factor Man o' War!!